How To Dress After A Pandemic

This year has been a whirlwind for everyone. The pandemic shook up our society, and things are finally starting to get back to normal. Restaurants are opening, people are leaving their houses and gathering, and people are beginning to travel. We know you’re so excited to finally get out there, but if you’re feeling nervous or insecure about yourself or feel you have nothing to wear, you’re not alone. The world changed, and so did we. We’re finally going outside for the first time in a year and we’ve only been wearing sweatpants. Do those jeans even fit anymore? Here are some tips to get you started and back into the swing of things.

#1 Learn About Your Body... Again

We not only changed mentally in quarantine, but our bodies did too. Some people gained weight, and some people lost it. But since you never had to wear anything other than sweatpants for the past year, you didn’t have to worry about getting new clothes. Assess your body, and find out what is different and what about your wardrobe should change.

#2 Assess Your Wardrobe & Make A List

After you have figured out your sizes and your body, what do you need in your closet ?he best way to go about this is to think of everything you need and make a list. Do you need new jeans, or a new blazer? Maybe you want to spice things up. The easiest way to keep your thoughts together is to list everything you need and check it off as you go.

#3 Don’t Be Scared To Take Risks

This is the perfect time to experiment and try new things and experiment with your style. If you haven’t changed your style in 10 years, maybe it’s time to try something new and experience life now. This is all about your mindset, have fun and be excited!

Fashion is all about having fun and trying new things. Coming out of a pandemic is the perfect time to try new things. We’re getting back to normal, but you want your physical appearance to show that you are happy and excited to experience the world and the adventures that you haven’t been able to in the past year. Let’s have fun with experimenting with fashion and experiencing life again!