A Creative Cliché: Orlando Personal Stylist, Wardrobe Consultant, Personal Shopper & Fashion Expert

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Summer Season Color Analysis

During our styling process at A Creative Cliché, use the season color analysis, a practice based on the four seasons, to determine the colors that look best on you. The concept has been trending, and we are going to break it down for you now.

The analysis starts with knowing whether you have warm or cool undertones. Once you figure that out, the next step is to determine if your skin tone prefers darker or lighter colors, and finally, if it prefers muted or saturated colors. Today, we will be discussing summer.

Those who fit under the category of summer have a cool undertone to their skin, the hair is usually lighter than medium brown, though sometimes it can be a deep ash brown. There is typically very little contrast between the hair and skin. The best colors for summers are soft, muted, and cool to mimic the skin, hair, and eye color.

Like the other four seasons, summer can be broken down into three categories: cool summer, light summer, and soft summer. Cool summers have little to no red tones in their hair, and the skin tends to be a cool, grey, or neutral beige. Their eyes can usually be described as grey, blue, or slate. Choosing colors that are muted with cool undertones, will allow your complexion to stand out and radiate. Avoid colors that are warm with lots of pigment.

Light summers tend to have pink tones in their skin, the eyes are blue or green, and the hair can be ash blonde or ash brown. Occasionally, light summers can have soft red hair. Because the skin, hair, and eyes are lighter, the color palette in your closet should reflect that. Unlike cool summers, you can handle a little more pigment, but not too much A classic teal or soft orange look best on you. Darker colors can be harsh. Think of refreshing summer air when it comes to your wardrobe.

Lastly, there are soft summers. As the name suggests, everything about the colors in your appearance is soft. The eyes are usually grey-blue or hazel, the hair is a light-medium ash brown with hints of blonde, and the skin is a neutral beige. It could appear almost ashy if you’re a soft summer with a deep skin tone. Your colors are complex, meaning the colors don’t look like they come straight out of a paint tube. Try gentle, desaturated colors like grayish greens and purples.

Here are a few celebrity examples to give a better idea of what a summer can sometimes look like.

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon is one of the most popular summers in the media. This pink dress is cool, yet not too bright. Instead of overwhelming her lighter skin tone and bringing out the red in her skin, her complexion appears clear and youthful, a look we all want to achieve for as long as we can. Knowing your color season can help bring you closer to that goal.

Reese Witherspoon

This is an example of Reese in a color that is too saturated for her. This almost firetruck red is too warm and vibrant for a summer. Here, she looks washed out and grey. It’s emphasizing her cool skin in an unflattering way.

Olivia Wilde

If your favorite color is red, you don’t have to exclude it from your wardrobe entirely. Here, Olivia Wilde is rocking a sequined maroon dress. Instead of looking weighed down by the color, she looks lively. This is because maroon is a cool-toned red. It’s muted and complements her complexion. This is a great example of how to wear a color that is usually thought to be warm and vibrant. Choosing the cool, softer version of the shade will suit you better.

Olivia Wilde

In this image, Olivia is wearing a neon yellow dress. This color is too intense for her. Instead of bringing out the beauty of her cool skin, she looks red and inflamed. This is something you want to avoid.

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton is another summer with medium hair. This dusty blue coat makes her skin shine. It’s perfect for her skin tone. The color lacks intensity, which is exactly what you want to look for when you go shopping. Muted colors are your best friend.

Kate Middleton

On the other hand, this purple top is not as flattering on her as we would like. The blouse is a warmer shade of purple and very intense, everything you want to avoid displaying near your face. Kate, here, also looks slightly red rather than clear and bright in her complexion.

Remember, being a summer doesn’t mean you can’t ever wear warm colors. It simply means it’s best to choose colors that are cooler and muted. And if you love wearing bold oranges, then implement the color in your shoes, pants, or bracelets. Wearing it near your face will work against your natural summer beauty.

If you think you’re a summer, try out colors that remind you of that season. The best inspiration for your color palette comes from the imagery depicted in the season itself during the day and at night. If you think you’re a summer, try on a few pieces from the color palette and see how they look on you.

For those who are still unsure if the summer color season is right for them, then book a consultation with us today. We can help you figure it out so you can start looking your best.