Posts tagged florida fashion blogger
A Five Year Reflection on A Creative Cliche

In the time leading up to this 5 year mark my mind has been ruminating on how far the brand has come. And so I decided to take a second to share publicly how it all came together and how we arrived HERE, today. The aim is to celebrate how far A Creative Cliche has come but also to encourage those who are in the very early stages of their brand, business or vision.

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Working on Valentine's Day
Wardrobe Planning for Easier Outfits

Remember back in your younger school days you’d plan your outfit the night before class? Sometimes even for the whole week! Okay, maybe your parents did it for you. But the point is that time was SAVED from having to figure it out the day of….let’s keep that same energy sis and apply that time saving approach to our clothes.

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Meeting Agenda: How To Control the Convo With Your Outfit

…are a few fun outfit features that still project a professional image to clients, customers and future employees. They also invite others to approach you and confidence to wear these in a meeting will spill over into your presentation and your persona. Issa win!

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How to Stop Sweating Out Your Favorite Outfit: Material Choices & High Temps

But think back to when you got dressed to look good for an occasion, only to find yourself too hot or too cold in that outfit? Oh no! Based on the weather or your activities for the day, choosing the best type of fabrics to wear is quite important. And for the most part, it’s often easy to identify what type of fiber or fabric a material is by look or touch alone. 

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Building A Wardrobe with Femme Luxe

So when Femme Luxe Refinery reached out to me for a collaboration I thought let’s give this a go! I hadn’t heard much about the brand so I wanted to do my research before ordering. Upon searching I found a myriad of bloggers commenting about the brand and figured “why not?”. I went to the site and immediately loved the way the clothing was displayed.

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