A Creative Cliché: Orlando Personal Stylist, Wardrobe Consultant, Personal Shopper & Fashion Expert

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How To Wear A Bright Colored Suit or Bright Colored Blazer

If you’ve been on at least one job interview in your life you own a suit. You were probably advised to purchase a suit in a blue, black or grey- which to be fair is still absolutely SOLID advice. But if you are someone like me who loves the look of a suit and wears them more often than not you may get bored with the idea of wearing muted and neutral tones over and over. Fashion has found a few solutions for you and today we are going to focus on a style absolutely taking over the workplace and even after hour scenes by storm the bright & bold colored blazers and suits.

  1. Play with color-No color is off limits! Bold and bright suits are meant to be just that! These suits are bold enough to catch someones eye while still being dapper. If daring is your speed these suits are just that, a matching top and bottom of a gorgeous hue is sure to fit the scenario for several occasions. But if you love the color but perhaps feel it is a bit too loud no problem! Switch out your jacket or pant for a neutral to tone the suited look down a bit. Still dapper but a bit more muted.

2. You CAN mix and match separates! In this case the name kind of gives it away huh? Separates can be separated, who knew?!! LOL But in all seriousness purchasing a suit even a bright white suit and pairing it with a blazer can create a new look entirely. Treating your suit separates as such gives you a super power of an instantly doubled wardrobe! But tread lightly and be sure to distribute the love fairly or else risk over using one item and having to wash it more than expected which may lead to it no longer matching it’s proper pair’s color. This doesn't happen often but if you find yourself leaning this way try to purchase a duplicate to prolong the lifetime of the pieces.

3. Warm up to bold prints & suits by pairing them simply and letting the suit steal the show. Maybe the idea of mixing a loud blazer with loud colors feels a bit scary for you. Warm up to this bold style statement by pairing it simply, with an understated shoe choice or shirt choice. Over time you may decide to go bigger OR not. Maybe your style is more simple and clean, there’s no one way. Our goal is to show you that you have options make fashion work for you!