A Creative Cliché: Orlando Personal Stylist, Wardrobe Consultant, Personal Shopper & Fashion Expert

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Dressing For The Current Version Of Yourself

As personal stylists, we usually keep our emphasis on styling people for their current them, meaning wherever you’re at in terms of body type in life, we dress you for your current body. Almost everyone is trying to lose a few extra pounds, which we understand completely. However, we are not fortune tellers. We can not look into the future and see what your body will look like six months from now. Nor can we be sure you will stick to your goals. What we can do is encourage our clients to work with their current body shape as it is in that preset moment instead of idealizing what they wish their bodies to be. If you can’t be real with yourself, you won’t grow and evolve as a person and neither will your style. 

There’s no time like the present., and you only get one chance to be this present version of yourself. You may not to see your beauty when you look at yourself in the mirror right now, but learning to love this version of yourself is possible and necessary to move forward and become the version of yourself you’ve always wanted to be. Living with the future you or you from your past is not going to change who you are right now. The only way to change your present self is to be in the moment and love the person looking back at you in the mirror. How do you expect to love the future you if you can’t even look at yourself with love now? You have to love yourself to hop on that treadmill, drink more water, learn what clothes emphasize your assets and wear them, and be okay with being seen.

Fashion is an extremely powerful tool that can reshape your mindset. There is merit to the phrase “look good, feel good.” Even if you don’t love the extra 40 lbs you have on your right now or you wish your boobs were bigger or your shoulder broader, there’s still a way to dress your body to make you look at yourself in the mirror a little more positively than you did before. Good style is for everybody and does not discriminate against size. Anybody can be stylish. You simply just have to invest the time in yourself to figure out what that looks like for you. 

And going beyond dressing for your body, once you start to hone in on your personal style, it’s game over. Because not only will you look the best you can look in the clothes, the clothes will reflect who you are and how you want to be seen. When you dress as yourself, people will see that and begin to treat you accordingly. If respect is what you’re after, then your style needs to reflect your ambition and seriousness. If you feel like you have a gentle, kind soul, then an air of friendliness and openness should emanate from your clothing. Whatever the case, clothing is a tool you should lean into rather than hide in. 

The small, incremental changes you make to your wardrobe can have the biggest impact on how you feel about yourself. The current you is worth learning about in its entirety. Figuring out what works on your body as it is right now and what doesn’t work will provide you with confidence. Clothes are not superficial objects. They are tools to be used strategically for your emotional benefit. Think about who are and the positive qualities you possess that you want to make shine a little bit brighter and then lean into that. Be real with yourself and love yourself. You’ll be surprised how far you’ll go once you start accepting the current you.