A Creative Cliché: Orlando Personal Stylist, Wardrobe Consultant, Personal Shopper & Fashion Expert

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An Extra Day to Be Extra

What would you do with an extra hour in your day? Sleep? Catch up on work? Go see someone? Sometimes there’s actually enough time in the day for that but we hold ourselves back from finding the time in our schedule to do those things.

If you haven’t been able to tell we’ve been very adamant about being super intentional this year and adjusting your mindset to align with your goals. Whatever it is, give yourself permission to prioritize what it is you need right now. And with this year being a leap year, we’re blessed to have an extra day to do that. So this February 29th we want you to be EXTRA AF. Here’s what we mean.


Boldness is a leadership trait to be mastered. We tend to admire people who are decisive — those bold risk-takers, the firmly committed ones, those who can stand-up, make a decision and stick it out! Only by stepping outside your comfort zone, overriding your anxiety and those critical voices in your head can you be bold. So take a chance today (well, February 29)! Know that not only is boldness ultimately about action, but with practice your courage and confidence will increase, enabling you to take on ever-bigger challenges.


You don't need a reason to be kind to people, though it is a choice. But being kind has been shown to increase our well-being, health and happiness. Keep in mind that when we refer to kindness, we’re also implying the importance of being kind to yourself.  Maybe you’re a busy freelancer who wants more time for self care and less time for getting lost in the hustle. Once you form the habit of acting kinder, it will become second nature and you’ll no longer even think twice about it. Use the extra day to show kind acts, such as smiling, which lifts our mood and helps us appear more attractive to others by giving a healthy glow from the inside out.


Being proactive means thinking and acting ahead of anticipated events aka taking responsibility for your life. A proactive stance will allow you to achieve your goals and make things happen from you taking initiative and controlling your responses. Think about how you could perform tasks more efficiently and focus on solutions instead of problems. And while there are people in your life who will support you, you need to rely on yourself to achieve success. Start by actively participating, whether it’s by providing input or coming up with your own plans for the special day’s activities.


There’s one habit that all extraordinary-acting people have in common, it’s that they surround themselves exclusively with extraordinary-acting people. So pursue being extraordinary and you’ll experience true greatness. For example, go to an event where it’s more top of the line, more dapper or just more than you’re used to. You’ll learn a lot. We’re not trying to put you down on this next statement but… you're already making time to be average and ordinary. It’s true because it’s easy. We get it. So when you do make time to be more than what you are, you should applaud yourself for your efforts. Keep this habit up for a week and life will be incredible!